8 steps to set up effective KPIs for testers and QA

8 buoc thiet lap kpi cho tester

In the realm of software development, ensuring software quality holds greater significance than ever before. According to IBM, rectifying a bug discovered post-release costs six times more than rectifying one identified during testing. A real-life example of Samsung recalling repairs for the Samsung Note 7 phone line due to an explosion problem. Fixing this error…

7 Key Software Testing Quality Metrics

7 chi so do luong chat luong kiem thu phan mem

In today’s digital age, software plays an important role in nearly every area of ​​life. From mobile apps to business management systems, from medical devices to space control systems, software has become the backbone of modern products and services. However, software quality issues have emerged as a significant concern, with a Synopsys report estimating a…

Effective Cost Management in Software Outsourcing Project

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Effective cost management is vital for the success of any software project. It significantly influences both project outcomes and the long-term viability of the business. However, it poses significant challenges due to the intricate nature and unpredictability of such projects. According to McKinsey, large software development outsourcing endeavors typically surpass their budget by over 45%…

What is DevOps ? Benefits and tools used in DevOps

devops la gi

Since its inception, the DevOps methodology has gained significant traction in the software development realm. According to research from Global Market Insight, the DevOps market surpassed $8 billion in size by 2022, with projections indicating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20% from 2023 to 2032. This growth is primarily attributed to the imperative…

The 8 most important indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of software outsourcing providers

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Initiating a new software development project requires selecting the appropriate software outsourcing company—a critical decision. How can you ensure that your chosen company meets your expectations? Effective communication with the outsourcing partner is paramount for project success. Equally significant is the ability to monitor and assess the quality and progress of the project’s work. Research…

How to manage a remote software development team?

lam the nao lam viec voi nhom gia cong phan mem nuoc ngoai 2

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses rely heavily on software development across various sectors. As a result, there’s a growing demand for skilled professionals in this field. To address this need, many companies explore the option of hiring software developers from overseas. Countries like those in Asia and Eastern Europe have established thriving software outsourcing…

6 challenges of quality testing when outsourcing and solutions

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In today’s globalized and highly competitive landscape, many companies turn to outsourcing to cut costs, boost productivity, and concentrate on their core functions. According to a 2023 report by Precedence Research, the global IT service outsourcing market is predicted to hit around $1,149.24 billion by 2032. Quality testing stands as a crucial phase in every…

6 Strategies for Safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights When Outsourcing Software Development

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According to a 2019 survey by the USPTO, the total GDP from IP-intensive industries amounted to $7.8 trillion. Additionally, in Europe, these industries account for a significant 47% of the total economic output This shows that intellectual property rights (IP) play an extremely important role in the global economy. Especially in the field of software…

What is a kick off meeting? Steps to successfully kick off meetings in 2024

kick off meeting la gi

According to research conducted by the Blekinge Institute of Technology, the project kick-off meeting is a crucial step in the process of integrating a new software outsourcing partner. This meeting serves to clearly define the project’s objectives, roles, and limitations, ensuring that all involved parties are on the same page. By establishing this alignment early…