Top 8 countries outsourcing software development in 2024

top 8 quoc gia gia cong phat trien phan mem nam 2024

The global demand for software development from businesses is continuously rising. However, building and maintaining a high-quality in-house software development team poses significant challenges, including costs, human resources, and management capacity. As a result, many companies opt to outsource software development to reliable partners in countries with technological resource advantages.

Software outsourcing has become a global trend, with numerous technology service centers emerging in developing countries. These countries compete on labor costs and strive to improve the quality of STEM education. Selecting the right outsourcing destination is a crucial strategic decision that directly impacts the competitiveness and success of software development projects.

In this article, we will review the top eight countries for software development outsourcing in 2024. Our evaluation is based on criteria such as high-quality human resources, competitive costs, modern technological infrastructure, foreign language skills, and cultural compatibility.

Criteria for Choosing a Software Development Outsourcing Country


For most businesses exploring outsourcing opportunities, cost is the most crucial factor. Companies seek countries that offer competitive pricing while ensuring high-quality work. For many in the IT industry, a country that delivers reliable quality at a reasonable cost is ideal for software outsourcing. Therefore, understanding country-based rates is essential when researching market opportunities. These rates often depend on the local cost of living and should be carefully examined.

Human Resources

Each country approaches and implements IT solutions and tools differently. Thus, the quality of programming talent varies by location. The success of a software development project often hinges on the quality of human resources. It’s important to evaluate countries known for their highly skilled professionals. Look for a strong educational system with many universities, colleges, and technical training courses.

Cultural Compatibility

Cultural fit is an often overlooked but significant factor in outsourcing. For example, if you are a US-based client, you should seek a country with a good understanding of Western business practices. Additionally, prioritize hiring employees with strong English communication skills. While English is the industry standard, only top outsourcing countries can provide fluent English-speaking professionals.


Choosing the best country for software development outsourcing requires focusing on those with robust IT infrastructure. Key elements include a stable internet connection, favorable government policies and laws for outsourcing, and access to modern software tools. Poor IT infrastructure can lead to quality issues, so this factor is crucial.

Time Zone

Many successful software development outsourcing projects involve countries with different time zones. However, time zone compatibility remains important. Overlapping working hours, shorter turnaround times, increased productivity, and better remote team supervision are key benefits of synchronized time zones.

Top 8 Best Countries for Software Development Outsourcing in 2024


India is a leading country for software development outsourcing. Its greatest strength is its young, well-trained workforce in mathematics, science, and technology. Annually, India produces about 2.6 million STEM graduates. The Indian education system emphasizes logical thinking and programming skills, enabling Indian software engineers to excel in math and logic tests compared to their American counterparts.

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Besides the advantage of human resources, software outsourcing costs in India are also quite competitive, ranging from 18-40 USD/hour. This makes India an ideal destination for businesses wanting to develop high-quality software at a reasonable cost. Furthermore, Indian software engineers are fluent in English and have an understanding of Western business practices.


Every year, China has about 4.7 million technology graduates. According to HackerRank ‘s assessment , when participating in an “Olympic” programming competition, China will win first place. This reflects the excellent level of Chinese software engineers, especially in areas such as Python and Shell programming as well as projects related to big data.

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However, a notable challenge is the language barrier, when only about 10 million people out of China’s 1.3 billion population use English. In addition, intellectual property issues are also important to consider when cooperating with service providers in China.

However, China’s software outsourcing market is growing strongly at a rate of 30% per year. With abundant human resources, high professional qualifications and strong investment in technology infrastructure, China is gradually asserting its position in the field of global software development outsourcing.


Ranked 6th in the world in software services, Vietnam is witnessing strong development of the information technology industry thanks to policies that prioritize investment in STEM education and training of technical human resources.

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Over the past 20 years, Vietnam has evolved from a manufacturing-focused economy to a service-oriented one, including software outsourcing. Vietnamese software development companies are gaining a strong foothold in the global market by offering high-quality services at competitive prices. The country’s programmers are young, dynamic, and eager to learn.

According to PayScale, the average annual salary for a programmer in Vietnam ranges from 168 million VND (about $7,320) to 288 million VND (about $12,600), which aligns with the local standard of living and average income. With a talented, youthful workforce and cost advantages, Vietnam is becoming an increasingly attractive choice for international companies seeking software development outsourcing.


Ukrainian software experts are renowned for their expertise in advanced technological fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, mobile application development, and Big Data processing. Ukraine is particularly noted for having the highest number of C++ programmers in the world.


The Ukrainian government is actively working to improve the business environment, creating favorable conditions for IT companies to thrive. Over 80% of the IT workforce is proficient in English, which helps mitigate language barriers in international collaborations. Additionally, time zone compatibility with European and American countries enhances project management and teamwork.

With high-quality human resources, reasonable costs, and an increasingly supportive business environment, Ukraine is becoming an ideal destination for businesses seeking to outsource quality software development with experienced professionals.


Poland’s primary advantage lies in its abundant and high-quality IT talent pool. The country has about 295,000 programmers proficient in popular programming languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and .NET Framework. Polish software engineers are highly regarded for their professional capabilities and English proficiency, with 30% of the population speaking English as a second language.

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In addition to its high-quality IT talent, Poland attracts investors with competitive software outsourcing costs, ranging from $25 to $50 per hour, which is lower than in many Western countries. The Polish government is fostering a favorable environment and promoting the growth of the information technology industry.


Romania boasts about 116,000 IT professionals, primarily located in major cities like Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, and Timisoara. Approximately 90% of this workforce is proficient in English, with many also speaking Russian, German, and other languages, facilitating international collaboration.

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Romania is also praised for its modern IT infrastructure, ranking 18th in AT Kearney’s Global Service Location Index. This reflects Romania’s conducive business environment, skilled resources, and financial appeal.

With more competitive labor costs than Western Europe, convenient time zones, and a talented programmer pool, Romania is becoming an attractive option for businesses seeking high-quality, affordable software development.


The Philippines’ greatest strength is its human resources who are fluent in English, with more than 92% of the population speaking this language. Proficient use of English helps remove communication barriers and facilitates international cooperation.


In addition, the Philippine government is also focusing on promoting educational reform, prioritizing the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) industries. These efforts have helped build a quality technical workforce, with more than 190,000 technology professionals currently working in the Philippines.

However, the professional expertise of Philippine programmers is somewhat limited compared to other regional countries. Therefore, the Philippines is ideal for simpler software projects, while more complex projects might be better suited to partners in China, Vietnam, or Ukraine.


Mexico is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for US companies looking to outsource software development. Its favorable geographical location, close proximity, and minimal time zone differences with the United States position Mexico as a leading regional software outsourcing hub.

According to data from Intra-Americas Information Network Inc, computers and computer components are the largest U.S. exports to Mexico. This trade relationship has provided Mexican software testers and programmers with opportunities to gain valuable experience and enhance their skills. Currently, Mexico boasts over 100,000 programmers working in the software industry.

In addition to its skilled workforce, Mexico attracts investors with its lower labor costs compared to neighboring countries, ensuring higher profits for businesses. Forecasts indicate that revenue from Mexico’s software outsourcing industry will reach $5.06 billion in 2024, reflecting a 14.29% increase from the present. Forecasts indicate that revenue from Mexico’s software outsourcing industry will reach $5.06 billion in 2024, reflecting a 14.29% increase from the present.

Outsourcing Software Development with Evotek

Evotek is a premier software outsourcing company in Vietnam, renowned for delivering high-quality and effective software solutions tailored to customer needs.

With a team of skilled and experienced engineers, Evotek excels in executing a wide range of software projects, including mobile applications, enterprise software, and complex cloud computing systems. They employ advanced software development processes, ensuring flexibility, quality, and efficiency.

Evotek emphasizes transparency and honesty in their communication with clients, building partnerships based on trust and mutual understanding. This approach ensures maximum customer satisfaction throughout the software development process.

Committed to quality, innovation, and exceptional customer service, Evotek has established itself as a leading software outsourcing company in Vietnam and the region. Partner with Evotek to turn your ideas into reality.
